October 20, 2022
How to Embed a Speakable Assignment in a Formative Assessment
Do you love bringing all kinds of content, activities, questions, and quizzes together using Formative assessments? We do too!

Do you love bringing all kinds of content, activities, questions, and quizzes together using Formative assessments? We do too! That’s why Speakable is excited to offer an embed function that allows teachers to embed their Speakable assignments inside of Formative assessments.

Some of you may be Formative users, while others may not - so real quick, before we dive into how to do the embed, here’s a definition of what Formative is.

What is Formative

“Formative is a free online assessment tool that is very robust. Formative allows teachers to choose pre-made assessments and edit to fit their needs, create their own from scratch, or even upload a PDF or doc to create. They also offer some fantastic data that you can track and intervene when needed.”

Source: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/20-formative-assessment-tools-for-your-classroom/

Embedding a Speakable in Formative

The first step in the process, as you might imagine, is to create or find a Speakable set to assign to your students. After you’ve assigned the set to a class you’ll see the screen below.

Select the “Copy Embed Code” button to copy the embed code to your clipboard.

Navigate to your Formative assessment and use the blue plus sign to add a new element to the assessment. Select “Embed”.

Now, paste your embed code in the embed field.

The contents of this embed container should only have the below html code in it. The url parts highlighted in orange will be unique to your assignment.

          allow="microphone https://app.speakableapp.com/student/assignment/4PYBSaZ1CmAKsyw6aewt"

We're now ready to preview the assignment! If everything is working correctly, it should look like this in the desktop preview.

There you go! Now can combine speaking assignments with other activities, online content, quizzes and more. All in one place that's easy for students to access.

If you experience any issues with this embed, please email us at hello@speakableapp.com

Create a Set to Embed in Formative