Speakable offers advanced tools to support your language learners, including text-to-speech (TTS), speech-to-text (STT), and large language models (LLMs). Learn about the availability of these features.
Text-to-Speech (TTS)
Functioning (Amazon Polly: Camila, Ricardo)
Text-to-Speech technology converts written text into spoken words. In Speakable, it is primarily used in “Repeat” actions and media blocks added by teachers. Amazon Polly provides high-quality voices for many languages, while operating system voices are used when Amazon Polly voices are unavailable.
Speech-to-Text (STT)
Available in Chrome browser
Speech-to-Text technology converts spoken words into written text. This functionality is used in “Repeat” actions to check pronunciation accuracy and in spoken responses for free response actions. Speakable leverages Google Chrome’s Web Speech API, which supports many languages for client-side applications.
Translation functionality provides translations of the target language text into the student’s native language. This feature is used in “Repeat” actions to display the translation after the student completes the action. Speakable utilizes Google Translate to support a vast array of languages for text translation.
Large Language Model (LLM)
Available and likely to perform well
Large Language Models are used for processing text and providing feedback. In Speakable, LLMs are applied in free response actions for auto-grading and feedback. OpenAI’s models support numerous languages, enabling comprehensive feedback and auto-grading capabilities.
Public Activity Library
The Speakable public activity library is a dynamic and growing collection of educational activities crafted by educators from around the globe. This library offers a diverse array of ready-to-use activities, designed to engage students and enhance their learning experiences. Educators can explore, share, and adapt these activities to suit their unique classroom needs, fostering a collaborative and innovative teaching community

Global Reach and Number of Speakers

Portuguese is a Romance language spoken by approximately 260 million people worldwide, making it the sixth most spoken language globally. It is the official language of nine countries across four continents, reflecting its historical significance and widespread influence. These countries include Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, and São Tomé and Príncipe.

Historical Background

Portuguese evolved from the Vulgar Latin spoken by Romanized Celts in the Iberian Peninsula. The language began to diverge from Latin in the 9th century, with Old Portuguese emerging by the 12th century. The earliest known document written in Portuguese is the “Cancioneiro da Ajuda,” a collection of lyrics from the late 12th century.

During the Age of Discoveries in the 15th and 16th centuries, Portuguese explorers spread the language to Africa, Asia, and the Americas. The establishment of colonies and trade routes facilitated the global spread of Portuguese, leading to its current status as a major world language.

Geographical Distribution

Portuguese is the official language of:

Portugal: The birthplace of the Portuguese language, with a population of around 10 million.

Brazil: The largest Portuguese-speaking country, with over 211 million speakers, accounting for the majority of the world’s Portuguese speakers.

African Countries: Including Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and Cape Verde, where Portuguese is either the official or co-official language.

East Timor and Equatorial Guinea: Where Portuguese holds official language status.

São Tomé and Príncipe: An island nation in Central Africa with Portuguese as the official language.

Portuguese-speaking communities also exist in countries like the United States, Canada, France, Luxembourg, and Switzerland, due to historical migration and diaspora.

Cultural Significance and Influence

Portuguese culture has a rich and diverse heritage, particularly notable in literature, music, and the arts. Portuguese literature includes renowned writers such as Luís de Camões, author of “Os Lusíadas,” and modern writers like José Saramago, a Nobel Prize laureate.

Brazilian culture, heavily influenced by Portuguese, has made significant contributions to global music, dance, and literature. Samba, bossa nova, and the works of authors like Jorge Amado are integral parts of the cultural landscape. The celebration of Carnival in Brazil is one of the most famous and vibrant cultural events in the world.

Portuguese fado music, characterized by its melancholic and soulful style, is also globally recognized, with artists like Amália Rodrigues bringing it to international audiences.

Dialects and Variations

Portuguese features a variety of dialects and regional accents. The two main dialect groups are European Portuguese (spoken in Portugal) and Brazilian Portuguese (spoken in Brazil). While they are mutually intelligible, there are notable differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

European Portuguese: Known for its closed vowel sounds and more conservative grammar and vocabulary.

Brazilian Portuguese: Characterized by open vowels, nasal sounds, and a more relaxed approach to grammar and syntax. Brazilian Portuguese also incorporates a significant number of indigenous and African words.

African and Asian varieties of Portuguese have also developed unique characteristics influenced by local languages and cultures.

Learning Portuguese

Portuguese is considered a relatively accessible language for English speakers, especially those familiar with other Romance languages like Spanish, French, or Italian. The language’s phonetic system is fairly consistent, although pronunciation can vary significantly between European and Brazilian Portuguese.

Portuguese grammar shares similarities with other Romance languages, featuring gendered nouns, verb conjugations, and a subject-verb-object (SVO) word order. While there are some complexities, such as verb tenses and subjunctive mood, the language is generally logical and systematic.

Numerous resources are available for learning Portuguese, including formal education programs, online courses, language apps, and immersive experiences in Portuguese-speaking countries. The growing global interest in Brazilian culture, particularly music and dance, has also fueled interest in learning the language.


Portuguese is a vibrant and globally significant language with a rich cultural heritage and extensive reach. Its historical development, diverse dialects, and cultural contributions make it an engaging language to learn. Mastery of Portuguese opens doors to understanding the rich histories and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries, offering valuable opportunities for travel, business, and personal enrichment. Whether for academic, professional, or personal reasons, learning Portuguese provides a rewarding and enriching experience.

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